Joy-Filled Choir Warmups
At our Fundraiser Feast, friends and co-choir directors Riley and Ben shared about their experience in Side by Side. Here’s some of what they had to say…
Riley Wilson
Riley Wilson
My name is Riley Wilson and I love music! And I love choir, so I suggested starting a choir with our Side By Side group. My favorite part is singing and doing the warm ups, “mememememe.” My favorite song to do is “This Little Light of Mine.”
Ben Brody
My name is Ben Brody. I teach at Whitworth University, lead worship at Colbert Presbyterian Church, and my wife Sarah and I have been a part of Side by Side for the past several years on Tuesday nights. I also co-lead the Side by Side Choir on Monday afternoons along with my friend, Riley who you have just heard from. Four words or phrases come to mind for this beloved community: authentic, joy-filled, formational, with just the perfect amount of holy chaos.
Ben Brody (r) with Liz Delauder.
Authentic: Two days ago at huddle, one of our friends was weeping at our meal, because her caregiver’s aunt had died recently. Others joined her in weeping. In most communities I have been part of, openly weeping at an event would make others uncomfortable, but at Side by Side, grief is acknowledged, and those grieving are supported and encouraged.
Joy-filled: In the Side by Side Choir, we often start by warming up our voices. One of our favorite warm-ups is “unique New York” (demonstrate). Everyone enjoys trying to sing this tongue twister, except my friend Gabriel who bursts out laughing as soon as we start. Gabriel confided in me last week that sometimes just thinking about trying to sing “unique new york” makes him burst out laughing.
Formational: each week we engage with God through singing and praying together and reflecting together on scripture. My Side by Side friends have modeled honest, faith-filled prayer for me, and the firm belief that nothing is too little or too big to bring to God.
Perfect amount of Holy Chaos: While our leaders put a lot of care and thought into events, something spontaneous and unexpected almost always happens. Often it seems to me that it is in those moments that the Holy Spirit seems to be at work. Side by Side has helped me to anticipate and celebrate the unexpected ways that God is at work in little moments of disruption.